Apr 16, 2021
Sustainable farming systems are critical for all of us, from producers to consumers. It’s therefore important for the full supply chain–from food companies and ingredient suppliers, to farm service providers, to CCAs, and farmers–to support sustainable agriculture practices, many of which can have a beneficial impact on pest management. This episode, we dive into the partnerships and work being done towards these goals between The Nature Conservancy, Star of the West Milling Company, the Kellogg Company, and producers in Michigan’s Saginaw Bay region.
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If you would like to reach out to Justin, you can find him
If you would like to reach out to Kate, you can find her
If you would like to reach out to Ben, you can find him
Kellogg Company Twitter: @KelloggCompany
CEU Quiz: https://www.certifiedcropadviser.org/education/classroom/classes/979
American Society of Agronomy and Certified Crop Advisor Program Webinars: https://www.agronomy.org/education/online-courses/kellogg
Certified Crop Adviser Program IPM classes: https://www.certifiedcropadviser.org/education/classroom/classes/by-category#category7
Michigan State University Extension Office: https://www.canr.msu.edu/outreach/
Saginaw Bay Region Nature Conservancy Program: www.nature.org/saginawsoilhealth
Kelloggs.com: https://www.kelloggs.com/
Kelloggcompany.com: https://www.kelloggcompany.com/
Kellogg Company Corporate Responsibility: https://crreport.kelloggcompany.com/
Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS): https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/
Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Electronic Field Office Technical Guide (EFOTG): https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/nrcs/main/national/technical/fotg/
The Kellogg Company is committed to supporting one million farmers and workers globally by the end of 2030 with programs focused on climate, social and financial resiliency. The Kellogg’s Origins™ program provides farmers with training, funds, and technical assistance to adopt conservation and regenerative agriculture practices. To strengthen these programs across North America, Kellogg is investing in science-based integrated pest management (IPM) training for the agronomy professionals farmers turn to for practical guidance. Visit www.KelloggCompany.com or www.OpenforBreakfast.com to learn more.
Field, Lab, Earth is copyrighted to the American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America.