Mar 20, 2020
“Top 10 Plants: Increasing Awareness of Plants” with Dr. Mary Hockenberry Meyer and Dr. Natalie Bumgarner.
Plant blindness is the inability to “see” the plants around us, that is, to recognize them as separate and important pieces of our surroundings beyond their roles as general background or landscape. But for...
Mar 4, 2020
“Analysis of Children's Drawings to Gain Insight into Plant Blindness” with Dr. Christina Hargiss and Dr. Paula Comeau
Plant blindness is a phenomenon that, despite its name, has nothing to do with whether or not plants can see. It is actually defined as our inability to see or value the plants around...
Mar 4, 2020
“Analysis of Children's Drawings to Gain Insight into Plant Blindness” with Dr. Christina Hargiss and Dr. Paula Comeau
Plant blindness is a phenomenon that, despite its name, has nothing to do with whether or not plants can see. It is actually defined as our inability to see or value the plants around...